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Formative Assessment 2.0

Throughout my formative years, I had come to find that grades were seen as being more important in regards to my education than my actual knowledge or understanding of concepts that were being taught. Year after year I would take classes and retain very little knowledge or understanding of what I was supposed to be learning. There was no connection of the material to my life, the world around me, or anything that I could use to relate and further understand these concepts and theories. After graduation I had gone on to further my education and quickly found that some instructors were not solely concerned with grades but were more interested in seeing their students understand what they were teaching them. My undergrad studies were filled with many instructors who did no care much about the actual learning of their students, but the few who were inspired me to develop my idea of how to formatively assess the students who would take my courses.

In "Formative Assessment 2.0," I speak of how students I will instruct will have the ability to gauge their own understanding and converse with other students about the materialst in order to further their insight and perspective. It is my hope that through this online three- part assessment, my students will be able to realize their own understanding and lack of understanding so that they can learn to ask for asssitance when needed. It is also my hope that I will be able to help my students further their understanding of the material being presented to them through these assessments. These assessments will give me a chance to view where students are struggling and where they are thriving and I will have a chance to improve upon my own pedagogy.

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